

There has been a massive shift in perception about work since the start of 2020. We are now seeing the results of that in many developed countries. The news is full of stories on the ‘great resignation,’ as people reassess their lives in the context of work. HR departments are struggling to readjust to a world of hybrid working. And provide education to leaders on how to manage out of their experience. Local governments are adjusting to a migration away from cities. So many jobs have proven that we don’t need to come to an office to be productive. We are all looking at how we can better fit work into our lives rather than fit life around work.

Remote and hybrid working is not the reason work-life sucks. For many people, work has always sucked. We just accepted it as a fact of life.

If you have found this page, it’s pretty likely that, in some way, your work-life sucks! But if you want some good news, it doesn’t have to!

After all, cognitive neuroscientists, sociologists, and management consultants have studied the workplace for decades. Neuroscience knows how to make the most of our brains and be effective and stay stress-free. There are more proven productivity techniques that work than you might believe. There are also really effective ways for teams to deliver work. Defining strategy, getting alignment, and then delivering on it, you bet! There are many effective ways.

Work-life balance? Easily possible, and not only that, mysteriously, we are way more effective, creative, and easier to work with if we are rested, stress-free and happy in what we are doing!

So what work management system does your company implement to deliver on strategy? How do you and your manager manage your workload to match your energy levels and ensure you have enough downtime to help you bring your best to each job? How does your workplace help you work undistracted on a single task for a significant time?

How do you define what really matters to you and ensure that is what you are acting on. Do you have the ability to let that which does not matter slide?

If we are lucky, we work in something we have a passion for or are at least interested in. However, our ways of working still suck! Perhaps if we can break down the ways work sucks, we can look at making it suck a little less!

Through this site, I will focus on knowledge work and look at the strategies we can employ to create work-life balance and increase our impact through better ways of working.